How you can help
Whether you are a business, a community group, a school, or an individual, there are many different ways to get involved. Below are some ideas on how you can support us to help pollinators. For ideas on how you can support wildlife in your garden, or in a community space, check out our Wildlife Gardening Booklet under Resources, above!
For any enquiries, please email and
RePollinate your BUSINESS
As a charity, RePollinate can help your company fulfil your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) objectives. Your relationship with RePollinate will help us protect our world for future generations of people and pollinators and bring your CSR objectives to life.
RePollinate your SCHOOL
One of RePollinate’s core aims is to run interactive education programmes with schools that will run throughout the year. Topics will include:
- The life cycle of a bee
- Pollination & why we need it
- Keeping green – how you can help!

Other ways to help RePollinate the environment:
Why not fundraise for us?
As a registered charity, we need your help to raise the money to put all our ideas into action. Do you have a personal challenge you’ve been desperate to accomplish? Why not raise some money for a great cause?
Why not volunteer?
With many projects in development, we need green fingered fans to give us a hand. Drop us a line to find to about your nearest pollinator patch in development
Keep BUZZING about the BEES, the BUTTERFLIES, and ALL the other BEASTIES!